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Telegram IP Monitor


9th March 2023

I run a lot of services on my home network. Managing this network should be as simple and easy as possible, but I had a problem: When my public IP address changes, I lose access to the home network. I wanted something that could monitor my public IP address and message me when it changes (and what it has changed to).

I decided to create a Python Telegram bot to solve this problem:

import os
import io
import sys
import json
import time
import telepot
import requests
from telepot.loop import MessageLoop
import logging
import logging.handlers

# CONSTANTS                                                                                                                                         #

CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH = "configuration.json"                      # Configuration file name.

LOG_LEVEL               = logging.INFO                              # Logging level.
LOG_DATE_FORMAT         = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"                       # Date-time format used in all log files.
LOG_FILE_NAME           = "ipbot.log"                               # Bot log file name.
LOG_FILE_ENCODING       = "utf-8"                                   # Encoding used for log files.
LOG_FILE_MAX_BYTES      = 32 * 1024 * 1024                          # Maximum number of bytes a single log file can take up.
LOG_FILE_BACKUP_COUNT   = 5                                         # Number of log file backups to maintain.

# LOGGING                                                                                                                                           #

# Create basic configuration for logging. This will make the root logger write to stdout:

# Create the log formatter:
LOG_FORMATTER = logging.Formatter("[{asctime}] [{levelname}] {name}: {message}", LOG_DATE_FORMAT, style='{')

# Create the log stream handler:
LOG_STREAM_HANDLER = logging.StreamHandler()

# Create the log file handler:
LOG_FILE_HANDLER = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(
    filename    = LOG_FILE_NAME,
    encoding    = LOG_FILE_ENCODING,
    maxBytes    = LOG_FILE_MAX_BYTES,
    backupCount = LOG_FILE_BACKUP_COUNT

# configure_logger
# logger_name: Name of the logger.
# This method creates and configures a logger, then finally returns it. 
def configure_logger(logger_name):
    logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)
    for handler in logger.handlers:
    return logger

# Configure the root logger:
LOGGER = configure_logger("root")

# FILESYSTEM LOGIC                                                                                                                                  #

# file_exists
# path: Path to the target file.
# This method returns true if the file path specified is a readable file that exists.
def file_exists(path):
    return os.path.isfile(path) and os.access(path, os.R_OK)

# read_json
# path: Path to the JSON file.
# This method returns the JSON object read from the target file path. None is returned if the read operation failed.
def read_json(path):
    # Try to read the JSON data from the specified path:
        # Open the file in read mode:
        with open(path, "r") as file:
            # Try load the JSON data from the target file:
            data = json.load(file)
            # Log the read operation to the root logger:
  "Read JSON data at `{path}`.")
            # Return the read JSON object:
            return data
    # Catch any exception that occurs during the read operation:
    except Exception as exception:
        # Log the exception with an error message:
        LOGGER.error(f"Failed to read JSON data from `{path}`.")
        # Return None because nothing was read:
        return None

# write_json
# path: Path to write the JSON file to.
# data: JSON file data to write to the file.
# Writes JSON data to a JSON file and returns either true or false depending on if the operation was successful.
def write_json(path, data):
    # Try to write the JSON data to the specified path:
        # Opent the target file in write mode:
        with open(path, "w") as file:
            # Dump the JSON data to the target file:
            json.dump(file, data, indent = 4)
            # Log the write operation to the root logger:
  "Wrote JSON data to `{path}`.")
            # Return True since the write operation was successful:
            return True
    # Catch any exception that occurs during the write operation:
    except Exception as exception:
        # Log the exception with an error message:
        LOGGER.error(f"Failed to write JSON data to `{path}`")
        # Return False since the write operation was unsuccessful:
        return False

# JSON CONFIGURATION                                                                                                                                #

# read_field
# key: Name of the key within the dictionary.
# dictionary: Dictionary to read from.
# Reads and returns the value of a field. If the value cannot be read, None is returned.
def read_field(key, dictionary):
        value = configuration[key]
        if value != None:
            return value"Read value of `{key}`.")
    except Exception as exception:
    LOGGER.error(f"Failed to read value of `{key}`.")
    return None

# Try read configuration file:
    # Read JSON configuration:
    configuration = read_json(CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH)
    # Check if configuration file was read successfully:
    if configuration != None:
        # Read configuration fields:
        bot_token       = read_field("bot_token",      configuration)
        admin_username  = read_field("admin_username", configuration)
        admin_chat_id   = read_field("admin_chat_id",  configuration)
        if bot_token == None or admin_username == None or admin_chat_id == None:
            LOGGER.error("Failed to read JSON configuration.")
            print("Either repair the existing JSON configuration, or delete it and re-run this script.")
        # Log read successful operation:"Successfully read JSON configuration.")
    # Read operation was not successful:
        LOGGER.error("Failed to read JSON configuration file.")

# Configuration file does not exist:
    LOGGER.warning("No configuration file found, creating one...")
            "bot_token": "bot token here",
            "admin_username": "Telegram username here",
            "admin_chat_id": 12345
    print("Please edit the configuration file and re-run this script.")

# GLOBAL VARIABLES                                                                                                                                  #

last_ip = None                                                      # Last public IP address recorded for the host machine.

# IP FEATURES                                                                                                                                       #

# get_ip
# Gets and returns the public ip address of the host machine. If this method fails to get the host machine IP address, None is returned; otherwise,
# the body of the response is returned as a UTF-8 string.
def get_ip():
        # Query the public IP address of the host machine:
        response = requests.get("", verify=False, timeout=10.0)
        # Validate the response status code is "200 OK":
        if response.status_code == 200:
            # Decode the response body:
            response_body = response.content.decode("utf8")
            # Log response:
  "Response from ``: `{response_body}`.")
            # Return the response body:
            return response_body
        # The response code is not "200 OK":
            # Log that something has gone wrong:
            LOGGER.error(f"Failed to get IP address (response.status_code: `{response.status_code}`).")
            # Return None:
            return None
    except Exception as exception:
        # Log that an unexpected exception occurred while trying to obtain the host machine public IP address:
        LOGGER.error("An unexpected exception occurred while trying to obtain the public IP address of the host machine.")
        # Return None:
        return None

# check_ip
# Checks the public IP address of the host machine and attempts to send the new IP address into the admin_chat_id
def check_ip():
    global last_ip
    # Get the current public IP address of the host machine:
    current_ip = get_ip()
    # Check if IP address is None:
    if current_ip == None:
        LOGGER.error("Failed to update IP address.")
    # Check if the current IP of the host machine has changed:
    elif current_ip != last_ip:
        # Construct a message containing the new IP addresses:
        message = f"New public IP address detected: `{current_ip}`."
        # Print the message to the console:
        # Send the new IP address to the target chat ID:
        update_ip = True
        if admin_chat_id != None:
            update_ip = send_message(admin_chat_id, message)
        # Update last IP address:
        if update_ip:
            last_ip = current_ip

# Get the current IP address:
#last_ip = get_ip()

# TELEGRAM BOT                                                                                                                                      #

# send_message
# Sends a message from the Telegram bot.
def send_message(chat_id, message):
    global bot
        bot.sendMessage(chat_id, message)"Sent message: `{message}` to chat ID: `{chat_id}`.")
        return True
    except Exception as exception:
        LOGGER.error("An unexpected exception occurred while trying to send a message.")
        return False

# telepot_handle
# Telepot message loop handle.
def telepot_handle(msg):
        # Get basic information about the incoming message:
        content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg)
        chat_username = msg["from"]["username"]
        message = msg["text"]"Received `{chat_type} {content_type}` message from `{chat_username}` (chat_id: `{chat_id}`): `{message}`.")
        # must be text, private chat, and by specified user
        if (content_type == 'text') and (chat_type == 'private') and (chat_username == admin_username) and (chat_id == admin_chat_id):
            # Get public ip address:
            ip = get_ip()
            # Check if IP is none:
            if ip == None:
                send_message("Failed to obtain IP address.")
            # Send IP address to user:
                send_message(chat_id, f"IP: `{ip}`.")
            #bot.sendMessage(chat_id, str(chat_id))
        else: # Assume anyone else who is communicating with the bot is not authorized
            # Log this:
            LOGGER.warning(f"Received message from unauthorized user: `{chat_username}` (chat_id: `{chat_id}`).")
            # Send message:
            send_message(chat_id, "You are not authorized to interact with this bot.")
    except Exception as exception:
        # Log exception:
        LOGGER.error("An unexpected exception occurred while responding to a chat callback.")

# Start Telegram bot:
bot = telepot.Bot(bot_token)
MessageLoop(bot, telepot_handle).run_as_thread()"Telegram bot started and is listening for messages.")

# MAIN LOOP                                                                                                                                         #

# Check for change in IP address:
while True:
    except Exception as exception:
        LOGGER.error("An unexpected exception occurred while checking the public IP address of the host machine.")

I decided to use Telepot for Telegram integration. This requires a bot token to work properly. Rather than hard coding the bot API token and the target user to send the notifications to, I placed these in an external JSON configuration file:

    "bot_token": "telegram bot token here",
    "admin_username": "username here",
    "admin_chat_id": 123456789

This allowed me to add this file to the git ignore file and push the repo to a public GitHub repository without compromising the bot API token.


At the time, this bot helped me maintain a backdoor into my home network, even after a power outage. However, since then, I've developed far more secure and sophisticated backdoors into my home network that do not rely on knowing the public IP address assigned by my ISP.

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