Alex Thomson

Hi, I'm Alex

Junior software developer at Gamma Telecom

Hey there.

Hi, I'm Alex, a passionate software developer with a strong foundation in various programming languages and frameworks. With extensive experience in the .NET framework, Java, Python, and LUA, I thrive on solving complex problems and creating efficient, reliable, and user-friendly software solutions.

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KDE Modern Plasma
9th June 2023

A modern Plasma system-wide theme for the KDE desktop environment.

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Portfolio Website
5th June 2023

This is my self-hosted online portfolio, created with bootstrap, nginx, php-fpm, and containerised via Docker.

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Telegram IP Monitor
9th March 2023

Python based Telegram bot that monitors the public IP address of the network it is ran on. Notifies a telegram user when the public IP address changes.

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L4 Synpotic Project
2nd December 2022

For my level 4 software development apprenticeship, I had a working week to create a fully functional media player. The project had to be fully documented and include unit tests.

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